Saturday, August 21, 2010

What products can be used to control pests in organic farming?

healthy soil

row covers

beneficial insects



sticky trap

crop rotation


dormant oil


soap sprays

capsium sprays

garlic sprays

See for the complete list of what can be used on an USDA certified organic farm.What products can be used to control pests in organic farming?
You could make a paste or (better), a juice extraction of hot chili, and that would be enough, but you could add to the ';poison';, (raw) onion and very specially, garlic, and make a paste with it. I'm sure you'll get results!

About answer number one, it says strange things, but, if I were you, I would study what it says, because, although it's wrong that snails don't like the beer ( or did I read it bad?), snails DO like it, and one way to catch them is to bury a 10 centimeters can (some 5 inches), and pour only one inch (2 centimeters) of beer, and the snails will fall in it to drink it, but unable to leave the can. I think the number one answerer heard right things but remember them wrong. And there are plenty of ways to face this trouble.

But the best way could be one step ahead and grow things in a greenhouse with sterilized air.What products can be used to control pests in organic farming?
This is mostly hearsay, but I've heard that shiney metal objects (like aluminum pie pans) will detract birds, snails don't like beer, and lady bugs eat aphyds (they like sucking juice out of plants. that can kill them if there are too many). Short of a heavy boot and a bee bee gun I don't know what else would help.

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