Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does anybody esle have concerns using birth control products that shorten your period so much?

I know, its an inconvenient time of the month and I sure don't look forward to it but I have always been a little nervous about taking products like YAZ that are suppose to shorten your period down to like a day or 2. Aren't we suppose to have a period? It just seems like we are really messing around with our biological make-up. Anyway, I am sure many of you disagree and that is ok so please don't come down on me too hard. I am just wondering if I am the only one who thinks this way.Does anybody esle have concerns using birth control products that shorten your period so much?
I think the same thing - my doctor wants to put me on the shot that gets rid of my period all together...! I have refused all birth controls. I've tried them all and I always end up psycho and emotional (i've tried 4 different pills, and have had my period for 15 years now) There are women who have severe problems with their reproductive systems and who probably need the things that the pill provides..I'm not an obgyn i'm not saying it's not right for some women - but most def not for me. I don't want to add any hormones to my body.Does anybody esle have concerns using birth control products that shorten your period so much?
I agree! Any kind of birth control messes with the hormones....hence why i dont take it....i did a few years ago, but never again.
Yes. I just went to the doctor and asked her to change my birth control pills because I wanted my period back!! She was shocked.I took Loestrin 28 for 1 year and I had a period every 3 months and it was horrible. I bled heavy for 7 days straight! 3 months worth of periods rolled into 7 days. Now I have been off Loestrin for 1 month and waiting to start the new pill but my period has not started so I can not. I was told it may take up to 3 months for my period to return.Makes me very nervous.

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