Friday, August 6, 2010

What flea control product works best on cats?

what is the best product and brand to control fleas on cats? also, I live in Toronto, would I have to go see the vet for flea medication? or will the pet stores carry them?What flea control product works best on cats?
Hi Ally...Frontline and Advantage are generally the best products to use which is available in Canada as well.

Apparently you can purchase these over the counter according to this Canadian website:


Advantage:鈥?/a>What flea control product works best on cats?
Look for sprays or powders to put on the carpet. I advise against using liquids or collars with poison on them for pets. I have had several pets get violently ill from the flea drops or collars. Eliminate the insects from the house and they will die off the pet as well.
Boric Acid works wonders on killing all critters of the six legged kind! And it's safe for cats or dogs. It's what most retail brands use in their products!
Hartz. I use it for my cat Butch, and it really keeps the fleas out for my dog Skip.
Advantage or Frontline. Yes the vets stock the best products but if you go to your local produce store they will have similar stock that you can buy in bulk and it will be more cost effective for you..........
Don't waste your money on expensive products. Go to your local Fred Meyer store, or health store, pick up a bottle of Tea Tree Oil, put a few drops into bath water and bath your cat. It will instantly kill fleas. Tea Tree Oil is called the ';wonder from down under'; it comes from Australia and it can naturally fight off many skin and coat problems. It stops mange, it disinfects. Put a drop on a q-tip and clean ears, it will kill any mites living in them. You can also put it on your cat like you do Front-line. I'm telling you, it works. We have three cats and not one of them has a single flea. It doesn't smell that great, but its worth it.
adam flea and tick kills right away!

we use it at my job.
Frontline Frontline Frontline Pet stores will not carry any flea products that work. You can by them on line.
I have used Advantage since my cat was a kitten (kitten strength then switching to cat strength - based on cat's weight) and NO fleas. It is available at the vet's office, but I find that it is less expensive when purchased at Petco. I have never ordered it on-line, so not sure about the price variation via that method.

I may try Frontline based on what I have learned here thru the answers to your question - and I would have never guessed to use tea tree oil, but it makes sense.
Frontline or Advantage. Frontline Plus is the best because it kills 3 of the 4 stages of fleas, and also works faster than Advantage. Also--Over-the-counter flea products are BAD!!! Don't use things like Hartz, Seargants, or BioSpot!!!!
Advantage....that's what I use and NO fleas!! Do NOT use that store bought stuff like Hartz. That stuff has been known to kill cats.

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